yowza, bowza

yowza, bowza


In this episode, Kaitlyn, from the newsletter dialoguing on Substack, and her husband discuss a horrifying discovery in their home this week and how it was handled, TSA issues, the concept of “home” and Kaitlyn effectively picks on J the whole episode.

We are on Apple Podcasts here and Spotify here. Feel free to listen and/or leave a review there as well!

Show Notes:

Welcome to dialoguing, a companion podcast to the newsletter of the same name on Substack, where an off-duty therapist speaks with her very much not a therapist husband as if there weren’t mics in front of their faces. Join us as we explore modern day mental health, marital and every day struggles, triumphs and everything in-between. Each episode dives deep into whatever is on our minds. Sometimes that is the newsletter and sometimes it’s burning questions from life. Whether you're a newbie to therapeutic concepts and emotional vulnerability looking to better understand emotional intimacy, mental health, or relationships or you’re a therapist yourself this podcast can be a soft, less clinical landing to just talk about life and our feelings about it. Catch us, dialoguing every other Fridayish.
photo cred: Rotarski Photography