Jun 3Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

My mental travel prep is usually making sure I know I have somewhere to "take five" if I need to. We have done most of our travel with extended family, so having a private space to escape every now and again is priority. I like your three category approach (want to do, need to do, stressed about), I feel like I naturally kind of do this as well.

Home is where I feel safe and free to be me - it's also the place with all my favourite snacks!

I haven't been to Chicago before, but I would love to visit sometime. Love all the recs! 🍩

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Yes, that take five is so real. I find if I don't explicitly plan for that, I'm less likely to feel like I can.

You mentioned snack so now I have to know. What are your faves?

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This makes me want to visit Chicago, mostly for the sriracha cream cheese bagel. 🤣 My travel usually revolves around food.

My mental travel prep depends on where I'm headed. If it's a place I'm going "home" to, or visiting again it feels a lot less stressful. I usually stay at the same hotels, eat at similar places, or at least try to find that sense of familiarity in those more mundane ways to open up the mental space for seeing new things and things I need to do.

If it's a new destination, I try to at least get the hotels sorted and check the weather to plan my packing out. Transport to get to the first place and everything else can wait! It always brings a bit of anxiety because I'm a bit of a chaotic traveller in the sense of not planning the itinerary to a T, but it leaves space for fun adventures and forcing myself out of my comfort zone.

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honestly worth it for that bagel.

That is such a good point about how there is baked in familiarity there if you want it. After writing this I realized how much I tread the same waters over and over when I go back, particularly to Chicago. I'm feeling the itch to change that up slightly.

I'm almost through our first podcast episode and loved hearing this part of you--that doesn't plan every single thing out--I can feel how it does exactly as you say, leaves space for something new.

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It's almost as if we build that sense of safety within and then the "itch" as you described it leads us to a new experience.

Thank you, Kaitlyn!! I appreciate you taking the time to listen! ❤️

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Yes yes. Perfectly put.

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I love Andrew Bird! I bet he was great at Ravinia too. I just wondered the other day how much the cicadas are affecting concerts there this year because ick. I also love the Vic and The Aragon and have yet to see a show at Thalia Hall!

I lived in Chicago for 16.5 years. I have some tacky favourites and some solid favourites. I spent my 34th birthday with friends in Logan Square and only two of us made it to 2 am dancing at Slippery Slope. I can't believe that place is still kicking almost ten years later. I was at a wedding at Revolution Brewing last October and when I got an Uber home at midnight, the line outside of SS was very long.

I never get tired of brunch at The Publican, The Whistler for a drink (but haven't been there in ages), or Longman and Eagle for food, atmosphere, and a good drink. I have never been a big drinker and even less so now so I'd have to visit those for one or hope they have great NA options. I am not surprised that Chicago is a bit behind on the NA options.

Pre-travel rituals or prep since I am flying to Europe tomorrow? I got my passport and documents out yesterday because Sunday night I dreamt that I made it to Berlin without a passport, with a dead phone, no charger, and I don't speak German. So, mentally I guess that I have some anxiety about forgetting things. Otherwise, I try to plan outfits in my head to minimize the amount of items I have to bring while still looking nice. I also try to estimate how much accommodations and meals might cost so I have an idea of what I'll be spending money on and not have any financial surprises.

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Oh yes, Andrew Bird there was such a treat. I hadn't even thought of cicadas--good thinking!!

I did not know you lived in Chicago all that time!! I wonder if we overlapped at all (I was there 2010-2018). Yes Longman is a great one, too!!

Europe, tomorrow!! I have passport anxiety ever. single. time. Like, without fail. I have similar dreams. I don't think I've ever forgotten it but you would think I have given this consistency. Outfits! Yes. I forgot about that one. I've started keeping a note for that on my phone of things as they come to mind.

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Jun 4Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

Beautiful reflections. You've got me dreaming of a long weekend in Chicago with alll the food. I've always wanted to go to the art museum. John Hughes movies have given me a certain expectation of what Chicago is like and I suspect I'll be awfully confused when I finally make it only to discover the entire city is not still living in the 1980s.

Confession, most of my mental travel prep is tying to tell the cats telepathically that I'm not abandoning them and promising to coming home. Home for me is the feeling of safety. I have a very classy cross-stitch hanging up in my kitchen that says "Home is where those f*****s aren't". That sums it up for me. All the mean people and annoyances go away when I close that front door. Safe, sound and content. Ahhhh.

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Hahaha some of the John Hughes vibe would track and some wouldn't. I hate to admit this, but I find a lot of touristy things in Chicago very fun. Like the architectural boat tours, double deck tours through downtown they all really give me a chills even thinking about it. I

That is so incredibly sweet about your cats and relate to your cross-stitch. Enough said!

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More "Paulisms" please! Whenever we get a good parking spot my mom says "Bingo, you're in the front row" and now as an adult I say it and it makes me smile every time.

My secret weapon for going home? My husband. Having him there acts as a buffer and as a reminder that I'm longer the same person that I was when I was home. That I've changed and that's okay. He somehow keeps me tethered to the present and to reality rather than allowing myself to get sucked into nostalgia and old ways of being. Although sometimes I do have fantasies of driving around my hometown by myself and letting myself get swept away by the nostalgia. I haven't acted on it yet but it's been on my mind lately!

Love this series Kaitlyn!

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Hahah. Your mom <3

Yes!! Partner buffers are so real and essential. I feel like it literally reminds our brains that this is now, not back when we lived there.

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If you have some time to kill before/after your Southwest flight, check out El Solazo about a mile from Midway. The food and service are fabulous. https://elsolazo.com/ (they have a few cute mocktails as well)

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Eileen--thank you!! I was so hopeful I'd get some new recs in doing this.

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Jun 3Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

This is coming at the perfect time for me as we embark on a big trip "back home". We see family so rarely because of the distance so the expectations and associated anxieties are running high. Feeling like I have to parent my parents, help THEM calm down, etc. while also letting them be how they need to be... It's just a lot.

I will journal later today following this as my guide. Clarity and self-awareness is half the battle.

P.S. I, too, now feel like I should plan a Chicago trip. 🤓

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I was thinking of you while writing this actually knowing this trip was coming up for you.

I hope these reflections feel like a nice container to put all those very understandable feelings into.

yes, yes---have you been to Chicago yet? I feel like you'd love it.

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Just stopping in to say, that practicum program sounds fantastic! I’m definitely going to check out the write-up.

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Thank you for saying that! It was so, so special.

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