Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

I cannot imagine this place without your voice. Your wisdom and authenticity brighten up my inbox every time you post. One year is a big milestone. Happy Substack anniversary!

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**tearing up** I don't want to imagine any world in which we don't know each other and one another's voices.

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I can't heart this enough!

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Sep 9Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

Congratulations on one year! I am so grateful to have found your work and cannot wait to see where the next year takes you. I'm here for the beautiful journey you provide through your intentional and educated experiences. 📣👏🏼🩷

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Do you ever think about how we *first* connected over our love of Taylor? That just feels like a good omen, ya know?

Thank you for your kind words. Happy to be sailing through from one year into something new.

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Yay!!! Congratulations on one year, Kaitlyn. It's been so lovely to read your words throughout that time—you're quite literally one of my favourite Substackers, and I don't say it enough. I'm proud of you for owning it and putting out paid work.

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Oh gosh, that is an accolade I wasn't expecting and I'm really trying to ask my more self-flagellating parts to step aside so I can receive it. Thank you, Kaitlyn. I'm truly so glad we know each other.

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❤️❤️❤️ I'm glad we know eachother, too.

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Sep 14Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

Celebrating you, already mentally rearranging my Substack subscription and budget to be able to support you. I love reading your words.

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Thank you, Emma. That is awfully kind of you to say (and if you can’t find a spot for it, Iet me know and I’d be happy to gift it to you). I know how the Substack Tetris of publications we love goes. ❤️

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You’re welcome, I will. It is such a Tetris game!

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Sep 12Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

Congrats on hitting one year, Kaitlyn! I like how you capture the balance between feeling like what we create isn't “enough” yet knowing deep down it truly is.

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Thank you for reading and sharing what landed for you. That tension is so real and something I suspect I’ll need to continue to float in as long as I create anything.

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Your honesty about the dopamine trap of Substack is so refreshing. I've definitely felt that push-pull of loving the platform but also needing to protect my energy. It's like a delicious buffet where it's easy to overindulge! Your Aesop's fable analogy is spot on – finding that balance is key. I'm curious, what strategies have you found helpful for staying grounded while still engaging with the community?

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Totally. I’m always reluctant to get too inside baseball about Substack so I appreciate you saying that was meaningful to you.

It’s really tough and a work in progress for me. I’m working through ideas around only jumping on when I have a bigger chunk of time—to read and respond. If I’m just jumping on to check the engagement really quick or scroll through notes, while that’s not “bad” it’s most certainly more about dopamine hits than grounded connection. Do you have any parameters you’ve tried to set?

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Happy solar return! This newsletter is such a bright light in our lives. Thank you for being here! I look forward to as much as you’re willing to share 🤎

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Thank you so much. You’ve inspired and helped me in so many ways this first year. Your words helping me find my own. I’m so grateful.

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What you have to say about life IS valuable to me. Not just as a therapist, but as a human 🫶 congratulations on your first year!

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Thank you, Alexa. I appreciate you validating a girl in her time of doubt <3

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Sep 9Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

Congratulations!!! It’s been a wonderful first year!!

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Thank you, Caroline. I'm so grateful we've come across one another here.

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I love your work and all that you have to say. You have been an inspiration to me and how I am showing up here, so thank you for that. Congratulations on one year and deciding to value your work in the way that you are! 🩵

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I'm really letting your words land. That means a lot to me, especially as you've done the same for me.

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Sep 9Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

My favorite definition of success is “doing what you said you would do consistently with clarity, focus, ease and grace” (credit to my mentor and coach Dr Maria Nemeth). I hope you’re truly celebrating the first year of success, because I see you showing up here in that exact way.

I also love your reflection on the value of simply sharing our lived-in experiences. We all have access to “expert information” should we wish to access it. But the real value is in connection, in filtering all the knowledge through our own individual lenses and sharing it with each other. I look forward to reading many more reflections from you!

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Wowie--I love this definition. It's very aligned with how it feels in my bones.

You're so right about the lived in experiences. It just reminded me of something I say to clients when I first meet them about how it's important to really get to know them and their stories and not just jump into the "skills" or "strategies." Otherwise I'm as good as a Google search on how to manage anxiety/depression/trauma/etc.

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That is brilliant!

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Sep 9Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

-> “The truth is that the powerlessness of not taking this chance on myself is too exhausting.” <- F*** Yeah!

I’ve been Virgo-ing my substack subscriptions, only allowing newsletters into my inbox that bring me joy and/or where I personally know the creator. You’re one of my faves and I look forward to supporting you with my dolla dolla bills.

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This made me laugh and feel so filled up with your support.

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Sep 9Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

Congrats on your one year, Kaitlyn! You share such beautiful, generous, supportive writing in this space. All the hearts and blessings for what awaits. ❤️

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Thank you, Dana! You've been such a big part of this experience with me.

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Congratulations on one year!! Last September I went to the Bookmarks Book Festival in NC and the keynote speakers Celeste Ng and Jason Mott talked about writing your own experience and how YOU are the only person who can share your story with the world. Certainly there is imposter syndrome on substack compared to the people who came here from a journalist or novelist background but I find a lot of value in what each individual brings to their newsletters. Congratulations on moving to paid as well, it is a big step!

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Thank you, Elizabeth!! I know you're right. I can feel that. I may need to be reminded of it a million times, but whatever, I can manage a bit of repeating that to myself. I appreciate you being a part of this space. I've appreciated your support and contributions so much.

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Sep 9Liked by Kaitlyn Elizabeth

Congrats on your first year Kaitlyn, it's good to have you here 😊

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Thank you--same to you! It feels so cozy as time goes on and we are all still here <3

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